Monday, July 9, 2012

Shopping...for Roof Tiles

This would have to be the easiest & quickest decision made for the Forever House so far...
Grey or Black for the Roof tile..I choose Grey
I only WISH all the decision's are going to be this easy.

Cate oxo

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My journey of far...over the past few years I have replaced blogging and my beautiful high heals with gumboots and 'site boots', as my Husband and I had taken on the task of building 25 Town Homes.  This build has had its 'what have we done' moments but generlly it has been a rewarding experiance and hey its what we do.

With this Big project now completed it time to get back to the "Forever House".  Forever because it is taking forever to complete and Forever because once in, I'm never moving again. ( famous last words)

This is the progress so far...its looks like a Modern Concrete Structure and I'm sure all the neighbours think its going to be... 

                                                                   for the heavy lifting...

when actually its going to be more like this..

 well something, sort of, kind of...anyway time will tell...Cate oxo

Thursday, May 10, 2012

having a moment...

in LOVE...

that's all I need to say...Cate oxo

1.2.3 walker zanger

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

something ORANGE.....

with smiles...Cate oxo

1.elements of style 2. unknown 3.melonade  4. bag love  5. home beautiful  5. design chic

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Toe Warming ...PART 2

There is a Winter chill in the air...well in the Mornings and Evenings, the days are beautiful, I cannot wait to get out the Winter Wardrode ~ Jackets, Scarves and Boots!...
After Posting about Outside Fireplaces, I have decided the Dream House will need an inside Fireplace too.
This may sound very glamorous but it is the 'DREAM HOUSE' after all...So what would it look like? 
Any of these BEAUTIFUL Fireplaces would be perfect !! 

loving the detail of the internal firewall

its it

I think this detail is amazing

or this

  I could work here

       & lounge around here...

                                                  LOVING the COLOUR...

enjoy your day & stay warm...
Cate oxo

1.veranda 2. carpenter & macneille 3.dunn home meikel reece 4.robyn karp interiors 5. unknown 6.moulton & layne architecture 7. vogue australia 8. house & garden australia

Thursday, April 12, 2012


the mornings 

 and evenings

 are starting

to get


It properly doesn't get SO cold here at Home that we ready need a fireplace, but I could justify one of these beauty's outside on the veranda to keep out the winter chill.... Cate oxo

1.stephen knollenberg 2.pottery barn 3.better house & garden 4.veranda 5.6.inside outside magazine

Thursday, April 5, 2012





                                                                                 Cate oxo

Thursday, March 1, 2012


 love the stools


soak here 

 glass of wine here

I have just come back from a wonderful week shopping in Sydney...
... one of the best things about Sydney is catching up with my shopping buddy Eva and getting to
stay in her Absolutely Gorgeous House.

this is her Beautiful home Ripley, don't you just love it... & at the moment you can stay here.
Ripley is in Bowral, in the Southern Highlands of NSW and only an 1.1/2hr drive  out of Sydney...imagine having your wedding here or spending the weekend celebrating a special moment with your friends ( yes it sleeps 14) and has the most gorgeous 'Barn" out the back! if you have any questions about staying at Ripley here are the details 

cate oxo

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bathroom Wallpaper LOVE

Work has began on my dream Home.  I LOVE going to site and today they are core fulling the external walls with concrete and its raining (every time I pour concrete it rains, its my thing...!!!) so after spending the morning sitting in my car watching and dreaming of all the beautiful finishing that will become my thoughts drifted to...Wallpaper

Loving this Bathroom but I was thinking about using wallpaper instead of paint or tile the walls 

I am swooning over this Beautiful Schumacher Wallpaper, love the soft blue tones...

or perhaps this one with a few curls...still loving the blue

but I think this one is my favourite from Kravet

Opps Fish Wallpaper..only joking...

 I think this is a bit special, LOVE this look....

enjoy your weekend.. the Bangalow Markets in Bangalow are on this weekend, so 
I was thinking of going to pig-out on the Organic Donuts...

oxo Cate

1.& 6.  ~ taylor and hannah architectural   5. shaun jackson design

Friday, February 10, 2012

somewhere special

           this looks like the perfect place to be on these hot summer days..Cate xox

photo-  simon kelly