Monday, March 30, 2009

shells, sand & a dinner service

This is going to be me next week. I am heading to the Coast for the Easter school holidays and have plans to do nothing except walk along the beach and collect shells however if a container of this beautiful Hermes dinner service was to wash up on the beach I would be happy to collect it as well...

P.S Just letting you know Trinny & Susannah were a HOOT!!!!I have photos but would be in BIG trouble if I were to post 1 of my girlfriends horror she was chosen by Trinny to go up on stage (not good considering she was wearing her 'normal look' & the makeover was a bit tragic !) I found both Trinny & Susannah to be very Kind, Genuine & Sincere( & FUNNY)...I would love to invite them over for a coffee next time their in town...
oxo Cate


  1. I have many of their books. Must have been fun seeing them.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the tip about Kusmi tea. I ended up contacting them and they have no suppliers in Australia yet.
    Nice blog!

  2. Enjoy your trip away!!!!!!! We'll miss you. Post pics!

  3. I love the picture, it is fab!

    Pleased to hear that you had a good time Friday night.

    Lucky you going to the coast, we are hoping to visit Oz and NZ next year, finances permitting as I lived in Sydney for a few years and my partner (english)has heard so much about it, he is now looking forward to visiting.

    à bientôt

    L x

  4. Look at that dinner set.. it is to die for! Enjoy your time at the coast. A-M xx


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