Thursday, April 30, 2009

All Fixed :)

these are for you...Thanks

Have found 16 year old neighbour to fix computer. She gave me a curious odd look and like magic everything is working again. Thank You Jess you have made my week :)

It is so good to be back!

oxo Cate


I have somehow managed to freeze my blog from my computer!! So I am not able to post. I am using the "Bosses" computer because he is out of the Office. I hope to be back in blogland soon ( I need a 16 year old kid to show me what to do and FIX it!!)I have hit every key and still NOTHING!!!!
Hope to be back blogging soon,
oxo Cate :(

P.S Sorry I cannot even find a image to post from this computer...very boring

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I think this is just so pretty.

oxo Cate

Friday, April 24, 2009

Anzac Day

Lone Pine, Gallipoli, Turkey - you feel incredibly Humble

Anzac Cove

I would like to introduce you to my Great Great Grandfather Lieutenant Sergeant Edwin Mann
(the Gentleman on the left). He fought in World War 1 in France 1915 -1918 around the Boulogne and Rouellas regions. My Great Great Grandfather received the Military Medal for Bravery on the Field when a 100lb (approx 200kg) Bomb landed near his head after breaking thought the roof of his dug out. He then pick up the Bomb and carried it outside, knowing that if it went off inside the dug-out many Soilders and Offices would be kill. He survive the War and returned home to Australia. My Son will wear his Medals at our Dawn Service tomorrow.
Anzac Day is very special to me and as an Australian who spent my primary school years growing up in New Zealand I am extra proud. Anzac Cove was a very Humbling Experience a journey every Australian should make.
Take care and have a great weekend...
oxo Cate

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tile Time

the colour is the most beautiful aqua and glass

It is time to start looking around for tiles for The Reno and the first place to start in Brisbane is 'elite bathware and tiles' in East Brisbane, they have the most spectacular range of tiles. I have fallen deeply in love with the tiles above, the photos donot do any justice to just how beautiful these tiles really are. They are from the Italian Company and it is worth a visit to their web site.
oxo Cate

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Entry the window and the walls

... love the ceiling detail the v.j walls the detail on the balustrade & the colour

I have been thinking about the entry of The Reno I want it to be special because it is introducing the theme for the rest of the house. I have however inherited a few interesting items which I have to keep eg a stainless steel balustrade and the position for the staircase. I have been able to moved, added and demolished walls to help it flow and add a beautiful feature window for light and some really wonderful doors, once the plaster board goes up then the magic begins....
oxo Cate

Monday, April 20, 2009

thought for the week...

I had the biggest jiggle today when one of the nicest people you will ever meet e-mailed this to me...I just LOVED it!!!

oxo Cate

Friday, April 17, 2009

How to make Fairy Bread

We are having a baking day we ( my children and neighbourhood children) are busy writing out the shopping list for all the yummy ingredients we are going to need for baking. My little boy is going to make fairy bread and he said this is all you need...'bread, butter and fairies.' (I sure he meant hundreds and thousands but the fairies would taste much sweeter.) This was one of those special moments why I love being a Mum...

have a wonderful weekend...oxo Cate

Navy & White ??!!

I still must be in holiday mode because these beautiful pictures remind me of a Beach House in the Bahama's and not the Navy and White colour theme I am working on for the Great Room in the Reno !! I do love the burst of colour. Oh NO...Do I rethink my whole colour scheme ?
xox Cate

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The best thing about going on Holidays is coming home especially when I can go to site and see all the work that has been done to my Reno while I have been away...all the bi-fold doors are in place, the extensions have roofs and there is now a new Office...bring on the plaster board !

oxo Cate

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Perfect Beach Holiday

the perfect beach house...

the perfect beach things...

the perfect beach place to spend time with family...

the perfect beach new shoes...(every holiday should start with a pair of new shoes)
I am now all packed and ready for my Beach Holiday and a visit from the Easter Bunny. I hope you share this special time surround by friends and family...Have a Safe and Wonderful Easter.
oxo Cate

Friday, April 3, 2009

LOVE these doors

Door schedule finished...TICK Doors ordered TICK ...these are like the doors I have ordered for my Reno project, I am still deciding whether to paint them black like the picture or white...time will tell.(I will however use Black doors in my next project!) now I can go away, relax and sleep...

Day 1 sleep here...

Day 2 sleep here...

Day 3 sleep here...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

cement, sand & rain

me...watching my new slab being poured (not really)

Who would have believed the day when I am having a slab poured for the new Office extension it decides to rain, a light shower at first then buckets and buckets, all day!!...thank goodness I payed someone else for the privilege to be cold and wet...
xox Cate

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

more taps

I have been busy deciding on the final taps I will use in my new reno, I love that we have so many beautiful taps to choose from, making that final decision is going to be hard!
oxo Cate