Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Perfect Beach Holiday

the perfect beach house...

the perfect beach things...

the perfect beach place to spend time with family...

the perfect beach new shoes...(every holiday should start with a pair of new shoes)
I am now all packed and ready for my Beach Holiday and a visit from the Easter Bunny. I hope you share this special time surround by friends and family...Have a Safe and Wonderful Easter.
oxo Cate


  1. loving the shoes - have a great holiday!

  2. Gosh... that is the perfect beach holiday! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful start for Easter week! Have fun with all the loves in your life! Oh.... and tell me what the bunny brings you :)

  3. this just makes it all so real that I am in SERIOUS need of a vacation!!!!! absolutely beautiful! and those shoes just top it all off!!!

  4. The beach house is perfect and I love the sandles. The next house we buy is going to be near water..............We are now tossing up between river, sea or lake! A lake house is appealing but so is a beach house thanks to you and your photo.

    Bonne vacance
    L xx

  5. I couldn't agree more, so perfect!

  6. Love, love, love this beach house - divine.

    Thanks so much for choosing to follow my blog, I hope you enjoy it, as I really enjoy blogging.

    Best wishes



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