Saturday, May 30, 2009

Decisions! Decisions!

it is all about the attention to detail...

I have had a very busy week, the Reno is now in full swing, with lots of finial decisions on the finer details are needing to be made. My architect was there Friday and has left me with a homework list!! Decisions ! Decisions !...have a great weekend.
xox Cate

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Awe-summ Award

Thank you ! Thank you.. yes I do feel like I have won an Oscar!!!

Thank you Fabulously French for this Fabulous Award...
The rules are - I have to share 7 things that make me Awe-summ ...ARG...

1. I am a very positive person...
2. I do not believe in Jealousy - definitely a waste of time...
3. I believe in Miracles...
4. I still adore my Husband after 17 years of Marriage( I am a child Bride! hehe!)
5. I believe in Karma...
6. I love being a Mum...this is the best jop I have ever had!
7. I will always over prepare (yes I am a perfectionist) but then I can go with the flow.

Wow...I feel like I have just had a great therapy session !!!Now I have to pass on this award to 7 bloggers who I think are Awe-summ.

1. Fabulously French - because I think Leeann is Fabulous.

2. French Blue - this is one of the most Divine blogs in Blogland.

3. VT Interiors - her interior designs are always chic & stylish - I would let Vera style my house
4. la maison sur la colline - Very talented & a beautiful Artist!

5. Sa- Sea Boutique - what she can whip up on her sewing machine is fantastic.

6. Caroline's Passions - A Glamorous Blog.

7. Diary of a Steel Magnolia - This gorgeous chic young Mum has a heart of GOLD.

I am fairly new to the Blogworld and continuously come across wonderful blogs. I have found the whole blogging experience to be so Positive, everyone so Inspiring and I totally enjoy reading all your beautiful post... I just love blogging!!!
xox Cate

the small print
: make sure to tag your recipients & let them know they have won!
: and finally link back to the blogger that tagged you.
I am having a problem tagging everyone will need to work on this in the morning..Sorry

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

where are my slippers?

I am feeling like I need to wrap myself up in this mohair rug with a cup of green tea, fined my slippers( they are here somewhere )... Forget about dinner, the pile of washing that needs to be folded and put away, the homework and ...
xox Cate

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bathroom time

one bathroom is going to look a bit like this...

and another a little like this...

and another a something like this...

and another maybe like this...

The wonderful sing plasterers finish am amazing jop last week and now the water proofing man, who is a mad Irish fellow and looks like a leprechaun will start today. Then it is the Tilers turn, which is the best part because I can see all my ideas coming together to make beautiful bathrooms (there are 5, what was I thinking!) and then the Cabinets, OH... the Cabinets!!they are stunning, I saw some in the factory last week before they went of tobe painted...

oxo Cate

Friday, May 22, 2009

sing as you clean...

Can you guess what I am doing this weekend??? I have farmed the Family out for the day and have Saturday all to myself and while I would love to go shopping, I am feeling completely guilty over the state of my poor House. So I think I will put on my favourite CD, daggy housework clothes and Clean my heart out...(unless I get a coffee invitation...hehe!)
oxo Cate

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Light Love...

The best part of a rainy day, apart from wrapping yourself up in your favourite blanket, sipping hot chocolate while watching old movies, is spending your day inside, surfing the net for ideas for current house.
I found these BEAUTIFUL Lights on the Neiman Marcus website and have fallen In LOVE, the very sad thing is because I live in a beautiful light backwater I will never be able to get my hands on these GORGEOUS Lights. Useless I fly myself to the States and bring them home personally...maybe this is an idea worth planting(in husbands brain and then watering it slowly so he thinks it is his idea.)
xox Cate!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Were is the Sunshine?

Were has all the Sunshine gone??? Can you believe that we had the most beautiful weekend (2 days ago) and now it is pouring , POURING with rain!! Thank goodness the Plasterers are on Site at the moment so I have people working !! ...
oxo Cate

Monday, May 18, 2009


I love this...

and this...

and this...

and definitely this...

I am in Love with this room and I am wondering if it is to 'personal' to put into 'The Reno' considering I am planning to sell it...I was thinking of using this look for Bedroom 2 which is a big room and also has a huge ensuite and not the Master Bedroom which I would like to look more feminine...I would love to know what you think!
oxo Cate

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Day out on the Bay

Our Weekends have been SO busy lately that this weekend I need to relax. My plan is to take our boat out, fined a sandy beach, bury my toes in the sand and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather we are having at the moment ...hope your weekend is your time for relaxing too!!
oxo Cate

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wonderful Kitchen Renovation

in the beginning...


Is 'nt this a Wonderful Kitchen Renovation and it has been done on a very small budget! As a Renovator I really admire people with great natural talent, it just goes to show style and chic doesn't come at a price!!! Thank you Erin at Rare and Beautiful Treasures for sharing this Wonderful Post and gifted Mum...
oxo Cate

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Pool House

Loving the shutters and the roof detail

what great colours

As the renovations continue inside... I have moved my thoughts to outside, I have inherited a huge timber beach hut with a beautiful thatch roof and have been busy looking for ideas and inspiration to evolve it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all had Pool Houses as beautiful as these...
oxo Cate

Monday, May 11, 2009

Out of Africa

You would find me here at sunset...

How wonderful would it be to wake up here....

lunch anyone?...

I watched the movie 'Out of Africa" over weekend and would love my next holiday to be in Xaranna,Botswana,Africa.
Yes I can definitely see myself Khaki Clad going on Safari during the day and sipping Gin and Tonics in the late afternoon as the Sun goes down...
oxo Cate

Friday, May 8, 2009

If you give a Mum a Muffin

If you give a Mum a Muffin
She will want a cup of Coffee to go with it
Her 2 year old will spill the Coffee, She'll wipe it up
Wiping the floor, She'll find dirty socks
She'll remember she has laundry to do

When she puts the laundry in the Washing Machine, She'll trip over shoes and bump into the Freezer.
Bumping into the Freezer will remind her She has to plan dinner.
She'll get out a kilo of Mince and look for her Cookbook(101 things to do with Mince)
The Cookbook is sitting under a pile of mail
She'll see the phone bill, which is due tomorrow and look for her Checkbook
Her Checkbook is in her Handbag that is being dumped out by her 2 year old She'll smell something funny
She'll change her 2 year old's nappy
While She is changing the nappy, the phone will ring

Her 5 year old will answer the phone and then hang up
She'll remember She wants to phone a friend for a chat and a Coffee
Thinking of the Coffee will remind her that She was going to have a cup..

And chances are...

If she has a cup of Coffee
Her Kids would have already eaten the muffin that went with it!

And I would not have it any other way...Have a Wonderful Mothers Day to all the Mums in Blogland:)
oxo Cate

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Linea Board

the ugly ducking is slowly evolving into a swan

this is the detail I am using in the gabbles and around the feature window

I love using Linea Board it is a great product and I think it gives The Reno more character. It is so nice to be finally building and know longer demolishing.
oxo Cate

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

50th Birthday Post

this is what I am wearing...Donna Karan! (after diet & lotto win!!)

This is my 50th post and to Celebrate ( I love to Celebrate ) I am having a party and you are invited. The Dress code is understated elegance and there will be lots of Moet...promise!

oxo Cate

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Opera in the Vineyard

this is the view...Opera at sunset

this is were the men...well...

this is were we all stayed...
I feel very blessed to have spent my long weekend in such a beautiful place, surrounded by beautiful friends and enjoying beautiful music. Opera in the Vineyard has become a tradition for the Ballandean Estate Wines in Stanthorpe for the last 17 years and if you ever have the opportunity to go, it is worth the 3.5 drive from Brisbane, a small hangover and 6 loads of unwashable washing!!!(see earlier post)
oxo Cate

Friday, May 1, 2009

Washing Machine Heaven

What an interesting week... my old trusty OLD Washing Machine broke down for the last time, gone to Washing Machine heaven. I am still deciding on which new one to by! Any ideas would be very much appreciated. I also crash my blog aggg....
The work on "The Reno' continues, we are starting to look really good, the Linear board is going on and is really making a big difference . I even had eye candy on site yesterday!!. My Greatroom has become my Warehouse complete with chandelier, it is fulled with lots of goodies for 'the Reno'. I cannot wait to rediscover all the treasures buried in there.
I am off to Opera this weekend and cannot wait ( an annual event for having a wonderful time!!)
Enjoy your weekend & I hope you have as much fun as I do...
oxo Cate