Friday, May 1, 2009

Washing Machine Heaven

What an interesting week... my old trusty OLD Washing Machine broke down for the last time, gone to Washing Machine heaven. I am still deciding on which new one to by! Any ideas would be very much appreciated. I also crash my blog aggg....
The work on "The Reno' continues, we are starting to look really good, the Linear board is going on and is really making a big difference . I even had eye candy on site yesterday!!. My Greatroom has become my Warehouse complete with chandelier, it is fulled with lots of goodies for 'the Reno'. I cannot wait to rediscover all the treasures buried in there.
I am off to Opera this weekend and cannot wait ( an annual event for having a wonderful time!!)
Enjoy your weekend & I hope you have as much fun as I do...
oxo Cate


  1. I don't know what to tell you on the washer and dryer. I don't like buying appliances or cars~ My refrigerator is on it's way to heaven too. We are shopping for a new one and there are too many choices today. Let us know how the Opera is~~ I love Opera's~~

  2. I can recommend the bosch 10 kilo washing machine and matching bosch dryer and we are really pleased with ours and boy does it take a hammering as in the season we have lots of washing as you can well imagine with 6 bedrooms, most of which are clean sheets and towels on a daily basis.

    Is the reno a house or a shop?

    L x

  3. Thank you for washing machine tips...I like the idea of the Bosch. The Reno is a House that I hope the sell in the near future!!!

  4. Sounds just like my rental living/dining has become a warehouse over the past 12 months too. My boy has to climb over boxes to get to the piano to practise! I have a SIEMENS washer and dryer... worth a look. A-M xx


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