Thursday, June 25, 2009

retail therapy

I have been out today doing a small amount of retail therapy 'see above'....unfortunately I could not make the chair fit into my car, so I will have to wait and have my new chairs delivered (oh yes there at 2)... my poor Husband, I will not be able to hide them in the wardrobe and tell him I have been wearing these old things for years... he! he!
oxo Cate
p.s I will need Leann from Fabulously French to translate the writing for me!


  1. Oh wow, I LOVE that chair, it's perfect. And I laughed out loud at your comment about hiding the chair from your husband.....those chairs are just too big!!

  2. Gorgeous! Perfect colours also!! Are they for you or business reno? You I hope. Also I want to say how AMAZINGLY fabulous your reno pics from yesterday are. YOU rock! Unfortunately I have been a little out of action this week, and a blackout last night, so fallen behind in posts and comments. Take care: Julie

  3. I love the chairs, they are gorgeous.

    Cate, I cannot quite see the words in the photo that you have posted so suggest that I pop over and do it in person! I wish.......I am currently up to my ears in painting volets (shutters) - it is quite tiring as they are the very old louvre type!

    Leeann x

  4. Oh myyyy, I LOVE that chair! I've been pining for a seed sack-covered chair for a while now and look, you have one! Hurrah!

    PS: I found you tonight through Being Ruby.

  5. What a beauty that is, lucky you!

  6. Oh.. Cate.
    I envy you. What a gorgeous chair!
    Lucky you.(smile)

    Julie x


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