Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My House is quiet and peaceful, the Family are out, dinner is in the oven, this is the prefect time to blog. I have been Tagged by Leann from Fabulously French to share 6 uninteresting things about me and while I love reading your post about how uninteresting you are ( not at all uninteresting) my 6 uninteresting things ....well ...I'll try not to bore you to much...

Met "Otto" the very spoilt and much loved Miniature Schnauzer, who has made himself very
comfortable in all the hearts of my Family.

I don't need marble & European appliances to enjoy a soak in a hot bath

I LOVE to sleep in...that moment before you wake up, when your mind is still wondering and you are not truly awake....bliss

I love to dress up...enjoying High Tea with the girls, the Races, Balls ~ anything that involves a bit of glamour (and a beautiful Hat)~ you can always count me in.

the Ocean ~ I can sit on a beach for hours & be mesmerised by the waves, the sound they make and the way they move...

~ Love lollies but not necessarily chocolate.

... I would now like to tag (see list below) & see how uninteresting you are

1.being Rube

2.white flower farm
3.Red ticking

4.Carolines passions

5.french blue

6. fabulously french
have FUN...
oxo Cate


  1. Thank you Cate for tagging me. Beautiful things here. Loving the outdoor tub!! and sleep is one of my favourite things, along with the sea!! very nice. Julie

  2. What a great post, I adore the bath, Otto is very cute and the bed is fabulous and must be french!

    Merci beaucoup for tagging me back!

    L x

  3. Oh You~~
    I am tagged for sure! Ness tagged me last week too... I will play..can I tag you back?
    Great post. I love all the things you love too!

  4. Happy to be tagged back but I am not going to bore you with any more uninteresting things about me :)


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