Friday, August 7, 2009


The Weekend...time to put away my brief case, slip out of my work shoes and get ready for the Weekend. Mr LSH (Long Suffering Husband) is off to a Bucks Party tomorrow, a day at the races followed by a night on the town. Poor thing I think hes a bit scared...he hasn't been to a Bucks Party in a long time...

have a wonderful weekend

oxo Cate


  1. Oh I just love the mirror ball sitting casually on the chair!

    Hope husband comes back in one piece, he's probably thinking the same thing.

    re comment; madmen is on SBS, but it's finished for now. Hopefully they will do reruns.

  2. Love the photo. :)

    Have a fantastic weekend! It sounds like you need to do some serious relaxing. :)

  3. Poor hubby will probably need TLC, no doubt there will be a few mirror balls featuring in his night out too.

  4. Have the special weekend you deserve my sweet Cate~

  5. Nothing like a mad uncontrolled Buck's Party to get the adrenalin pumping. Make sure you quietly slip a note with his home address & contact details into his pocket before he leaves Cate. He may well appreciate it at around 3a.m. tomorrow!
    Millie ^_^

  6. Great idea...thanks for the tip Millie


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