Friday, August 21, 2009

Checking out...

photo ~ melanie acervedo
I am packing the kids into the car and heading to our Beach House for a peace full weekend. I may even get to finish my book & check out a few Whales....have a Fab Weekend
oxo Cate
P.S The Humpback Whales are making there way along the Queensland Coast at the moment on there annual winter migration to Hervey Bay.


  1. Oh that sounds beautiful Cate, have a lovely weekend. Thank you so much for your beautiful comments this week :)


  2. What a wonderful weekend in prospect....oh ,to be able to pop to the Beach House and maybe see the hump backed are very fortunate to live in such a wonderful environment....when you are sitting there, reading your book, spare a thought for us !!!!!...have a great time and when you're back, tell us if you spotted the whales. XXXX

  3. Wow, what wonderful plans for the weekend... quiet and relaxing! I could use one of those. :) I hope you have an excellent time!

  4. Sounds perfect! Have a beautiful & relaxing weekend in the ocean kelp air~

  5. Have a GREAT weekend. It sounds perfect.

  6. Oh I am craving the sea. Your weekend sounds one hundred times more relaxing than mine.... planting trees. Have a great weekend! A-M xx


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