Monday, August 3, 2009

my dream wedding dress

We have been invited to a Wedding in September...I love Weddings, I am such a Romantic and after spending the morning with the Bride to be I have thinking about the Wedding Dress
or my Wedding Dress
if I was getting married today what style I choose?

would I choose something tradition or....


Wedding Gowns have come a long way from the days when I was getting married... there are so many more styles to choose what would I choose now????

I like the no.1 . no.5 and no.6 ( I think I am happy not to be getting married !!!)

oxo Cate


  1. I would choose the top left for you~ It looks just like I picture you to wear! Have fun at the wedding in Sept!

  2. Yes Cate I think the top left is lovely. I suspect I should of done the marriage thing when I was younger and thinner. I'd have kittens if I had to worry about that now! Have fun planning the wedding!! x Julie

  3. Got to laugh!! the word thingy was 'sizedess' ... rubbing it in!! haha

  4. Cate I love No. 5 but agree that it would be stressful having to choose a dress. I think that it will be either a classic suit and a ceremony at the local town hall or we will run away to somewhere exotic and get married on a beach. We have both been married before hence it will be a small intimate affair. I am now thinking that it will definitely take place in France as it is the place that we met and I love both Mr FF and France the same amount!

    Leeann x

  5. I love the bottom, maybe that middle one on the left....well....maybe in the world can a woman choose? Loved the post!


  6. Thank goodness I am already married...however renewing my vows in thats an idea or maybe on the cliffs of Ireland!!!!

  7. Oh wow, I like the first and the last, it's so different.


  8. Hi Cate - all these dresses are gorgeous but I especially love 1, 5 and 7. Thank you for visiting Brabourne Farm - I loved your comment. I have to say I had a little giggle! Leigh

  9. All those wedding dresses are pretty fabulous. #2 and 5 one is my favorite.


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