Monday, August 17, 2009


I have been quietly working on my own house plans, going backwards and forwards with my Architect with ideas ( to many I think !!) and today the Final Plans are going into Council for building approval...

I love the Architect ~ Cronduck...their eye for detail is amazing

This is how I would love my new home to look...I have had these photos pinned to my notice board for so long now I have know idea were I collected them from..all I know is I just LOVE this look

My head is full of ideas & ideas & ideas... thanks to the Wonderful Blogs in Blogland...
thank goodness my Architect is on the same page as I am , even if my poor LSH (Long Suffering Husband) is a few pages behind...

oxo Cate


  1. Gorgeous photos! Do let us know how the plans sit with the council. They can be so stuffy and hard at times. I love the inspiration you've drawn from, though. And I am super glad you have an architect that is on the same page as you! :)

  2. Who wouldn't like their house to look like't wait to see the finished article !!! XXXX

  3. Cate what can I say, but triple WOW! I adore the linked pavilions this house has overlooking the pool. You just have to do this house sometime in your life girl! Good luck with the DPA machinations of your Local Council.
    Millie ^_^

  4. Gosh I totally adore your vision! That is great you have a good architect!

    I'm just going through the talking with builder stage, have a while to go yet before final plans. I was thinking of an Australian weatherboard look with the surrounding wide verandas and the old style sash wood windows.

    Good luck,

  5. Whoo hoo thats a beauty, having the architect speaking 'Cate' is the key to getting the results you want.Good luck with it all.

  6. Gorgeous dream home.. I love the idea of the pavillions .. and the pool. It is all lovely.
    Go Cate!!

  7. So clean and crisp. I can't wait to see it all finished! Your eye is amazing~


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