Friday, August 28, 2009

not so much mess now...

The weekend begins...
Velvet & Linen
after this...

the whitie house
Lots of this....


I dab of this.....

polly wreford...

and slip into this...

It is so nice to be out of dirty site clothes even if it is only for the evening...yes back to site

tomorrow to finish cleaning for the cleaners.... right now I would kill for a pedicure...& a facial

Have a amazing weekend...

oxo Cate ~ the cleaning lady


  1. You and me both! Remind me what a pedicure is again, I have forgotten...

    Have a fabulous weekend

    Signed the kiwi cleaning lady in France

  2. I'll take some of that, please...looks lovely and relaxing.Beautiful bathroom and little old English me L O V E S The White Company (one of my favourite shops) and that lingerie is divine. Have a CLEAN weekend. XXXX

  3. I have that exact bath tub in my design files foe my dream master bathroom at some point to show on my blog- great minds think alike hehe...

  4. Ahhhhh.... A long hot bubble bath would be good...soak and pamper this weekend~ Keep up your amazing work girlfriend!

  5. Gorgeous images Sadie... I mean Cate
    I hope you get some pampering soon!! Julie

  6. your photos are absolutely beautiful do you take them yourself? I am learning to take pictures and would love some advice. Feel free to take a glance at my blog I would love your input.


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