Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the stone mason's apprentice

and the mess continues....

here is my Stone Mason hard at work building my beautiful feature wall...

I was going crazy!!!

I would have had this wall built in a day ..not 3... he hand selects every single piece of stone to create this masterpiece!!! Sure my wall would not have looked this good and perhaps it may have fallen down , I think, I need to give up any ideas of being a Stone Mason, I just don't have the patience ...( I would still love to give it a try.)

oxo Cate ~ the stone mason apprentice


  1. My husband did a similar thing for a pathway. All the stones were different shapes and sizes and he treated it like a jigsaw puzzle. It was soooo frustrating. However the end result is fabulous. Be patient.

  2. Cate, I am afraid I would be the same as I am one of those people who wants everything done yesterday :-)

    That said, I am sure that it will be well worth the wait.

    Leeann x

  3. OOOooh, it is going to be SO fabulous though!!!

    Large glass of wine Cate.....and breathe.....;)

  4. I think you should give it a go Cate
    You never know .. might be a masterpiece
    Love your French & Country image. Have seen them here at the Gift Show but too bad the shop is in QLD.
    Have Fun
    x Julie

  5. This wall is going to be exquisite when it is finished. I don't think I would ever have enough patience to even think about doing something of the sort! But it's sure going to look nice when it's all done. :)

  6. An artist at work...I think that's the phrase that sums him up...and I give him a gold star for his patience and dedication...well done Mr. Stonemason... Good Job. XXXX

  7. Oh Cate, I am so jealous you have a traddie who takes pride in his work. I am still fighting battles with the BSA in order to get a decent paint job. I would be sitting on a stool, watching his craft, mesmerized by the sight of a 'good traddie'! He'd get a whole plate of my traddies special Anzac biccies! A-M xx

  8. This is going to be stunning, but oh, the patience required!

  9. I will be sitting on the pavement with a BIG glass of wine when all this is finished...Cate

  10. There is a house going up near us and their front wall took 10 days - I kid you not. One day I stopped and watched for 20 minutes while the stone mason painstakingly selected rocks for the perfect placement. He was very clever, but like you, I would never have the patience. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, I will visit you often for inspiration.

  11. Oh too funny!

    I love the idea of this feature wall.

  12. Thank you for following me and adding me to your blog list, I will do the same. Love your blog! I want your stone wall feature too!!

  13. That looks amazing! Your husband is so talented!

  14. stone masonry is an art that tells it's story everyday, thankfully people still understand why it takes so long...


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