Monday, September 21, 2009

The Boat House


...the water feature ~ which will be full of water...

...walk through the gatehouse ~ under my beautiful light...

... & past the doors of the Study....

too the Front Doors...

oxo Cate

my new iphone

I have a new iphone and even though in the past a phone is a phone is a phone! I have to admit I love my new iphone...I have never been a 'techo nut', far from it but I am having a lot of fun exploring all the 'apps' & my son thinks it's sick!!!( oh I hate that word)
the best part is I will need a new cover for the iphone ~ so I have been checking out my options

a little but to 'Paris Hilton' for me...

oxo Cate

p.s I have taken photos of 'the Reno' with new iphone but I need help sync-ing (is that a word ?) them into my computer..any ideas ?

(1) apple iphone (2) Louis Vuitton

Thursday, September 17, 2009

it feels like christmas

Who needs to wait...I have spent the past week opening boxes

box after box...after every box is something special ~ something special which I have collected over the past year, getting ready for this moment ~ so for me Christmas is here now and I cannot wipe the smile from my I dance around the house placing everything in its perfect place !!!

oxo Cate ~ ho! ho! ho!

P.S promise to have photos is still not working !!!***

Monday, September 14, 2009

learning how to juggle...

I am trying to juggle everything at the moment...having a wonderful time ~ just really busy finishing 'The Reno'. I hope to visit you really soon ~

when the madness stops...

oxo Cate

Friday, September 11, 2009

its Friday...already ?!!

my poor desk needs some TLC

Were has this last week gone??? I really have not stopped all week...I had planned to show you some photos of my new carpets ( hey !!! ) but my camera died, so you will have to wait until week... donot worry I will keep all the special Carpet photos for you (he! he) ...Oh another Busy FUN week ahead...oh wait!!... its the weekend !!!
oxo Cate

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Boys & Maps

I love this look for a Boys room...

Loving the Maps...

and timber...

I have designed 1 of the rooms in the Reno with Maps, I hope it all goes to plan and I don't get lost..

oxo Cate ~ the navigator

(1) house & garden (2) vogue living (3) inside out

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Dad

Can you believe even at my age (which isn't that old) my Dad is still my hero !!

Dad celebrated his 70th Birthday last weekend and we had the most Wonderful Party for him.

My Precious Son wrote this beautiful speech for the Party and read it out in front of a room full of people...

My Grandad

If you think we are cool you should see my Grandad

He is the best Grandad in the whole World

He takes us camping all the time

Teaches us how to fish

Shows us how to play golf


how to care for the garden and grow plants

Best of all he loves us

and we love him !!!
Love and Hugs

your Grandsons.

and to Mr LSH ( Long Suffering Husband) thank you for being a Wonderful Father to our Children ~ I love the way you nurture their young minds and love them so unconditionally....

Happy Fathers Dad
oxo Cate

(1) flickr

Thursday, September 3, 2009

take your time, I am in know hurry...

I am sure this is how my NEW carpet arrived in Sydney know real hurry.!.!.! the meantime the Landscapers are nearly finished. Here are some ideas of the pots I have choose for features around the garden...

and some gorgeous stacker chairs...that I will eventually be sitting on, while enjoying a (BIG REFRESHING ) glass of wine....
oxo Cate