Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Dad

Can you believe even at my age (which isn't that old) my Dad is still my hero !!

Dad celebrated his 70th Birthday last weekend and we had the most Wonderful Party for him.

My Precious Son wrote this beautiful speech for the Party and read it out in front of a room full of people...

My Grandad

If you think we are cool you should see my Grandad

He is the best Grandad in the whole World

He takes us camping all the time

Teaches us how to fish

Shows us how to play golf


how to care for the garden and grow plants

Best of all he loves us

and we love him !!!
Love and Hugs

your Grandsons.

and to Mr LSH ( Long Suffering Husband) thank you for being a Wonderful Father to our Children ~ I love the way you nurture their young minds and love them so unconditionally....

Happy Fathers Dad
oxo Cate

(1) flickr


  1. Oh Cate that was just so beautiful. What a gorgeous father he must be and so lovely that your son wrote that. My fathers far away in the middle of the Nullarboor or somewhere, hopefully he's in phone range. xoxo

  2. Dads and Grandads are special creatures! What a sweet letter from your son! HAPPY 70TH Cate's SPECIAL DAD!!!

  3. How lovely Cate
    Your son's letter is so precious.
    My grandfather was my hero. Still is although it must be 40yrs since he died.

    Happy Father's Day to all your loved ones.
    x Julie

  4. What lovely sentiments from your boys to their Grandad, Cate. I'm sure he is so proud of them as he is, you. Wish him a Happy Fathers Day from me and ask him if he would be my surrogate father as my Dad died last year. Have a great day. XXXX

  5. how lovely, such a sweet sentiment -you are blessed...

  6. Lovely speach! I found you through "Sussi´s värld". You have an amazing blog, very inspiring!



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