Thursday, October 15, 2009

salt & pepper shakers???

( look here I am...)

here are my beautiful silver drum stools or giant salt & pepper shakers if you ask my mother in~ law...I think they are a bit quirky and fit with my whole 'boat house' theme.

oxo Cate


  1. I love them! They look absolutely stunning and don't they look great with the lamp in the background. Perfect choice I say. All the best, NM.

  2. I love these things. I've noticed them around a bit lately in all sorts of colours and patterns. They are a great option to side tables and ottomans and make a stunning statement. Never thought they looked like S & P shakers but now that you say it.....

  3. Oh they are fabulous, great addition!
    ps luv the lamp too.

  4. Very very cool! I think they will add a perfect touch of reflection like water~

  5. Love the S&P shakers Cate! I recently saw one in a shop near us that had a matte finish & didn't look half as nice as yours. The price tage said $1,695.00 each!!
    Millie ^_^

  6. I avoid asking my Mother in Law's opinion ... mind you, she doesn't say as much since I transformed some old table legs into pretty wooden lamps for her... They are beautiful, streamlined and go really well in that room! Great choice - maybe you should get your MiL a mini pair for the table this Xmas ;-)

  7. Cate theses are wonderful. I've seen several varieties of these, and you've got a couple of winners. Enjoy.

  8. I love them!! They are seriously wonderful =)
    xo Isa


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