Wednesday, November 4, 2009

melbourne cup... the day after the day before

The Melbourne Cup is the race that stops a nation..but the next day....

tip # 1 ~ all Gorgeous girls need to sleep in... very necessary

.... because you would have had too many of these...

tip # 2 betting technique ~ favourite colour, number & cute name...
( this has worked ~ on the odd occasion) 3 new shoes & a long day do not mix!!!

tip # 4 ~ good hang-over food

tip # 5...Coffee..& lots of it
I had an absolutely wonderful day but I am now in DESPERATE need of an early night...
good night and sweet dreams
zzzzz Cate
1. Elizabeth messina, 2.villa masion3.coco republic4.notebook5.notebook6.riera masion


  1. Tip No.6....... Have another drink !!!! Haha.
    Did anyone take your photo in your posh outfit and can we see it ?
    Have lots of R&R and you'll be back on track, Cate. XXXX

  2. UGGG...I will see what I can fined...!Cate

  3. Iwannnnnnaseeetheeee HAT!!! C'mon - even a back view would be great! You DID wear one didn't you?

  4. Tip #7. You must show us You and your hat. I think we helped picked your hat right? I'v been waiting~~
    Sounds like you had a good good time:)

  5. I am so glad you had a fantastic time, but come on now... we need to see the hat!!! :) Just like Ange said... fashion is oh so critical at events like these. I need to live vicariously through you! :)


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