Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Since my Summer Holiday is only days away...O.K #3 Days away. I am finding anything that doesn't involve 'Holiday' is w a y down my list of priorities.
I am thinking about... Cocktails at sunset....

....maybe a dip in the ocean on a deserted island....

....packing my Favourite Dress....

....Well maybe .... I have a few Favourite Dresses...

I hope we don't come across any scary Pirates...
(luckily for us we are Cruising the Pacific Ocean and not the Caribbean...)


....find some time to collect some shells & read 2 books..... and spend some wonderful time with my wonderful husband..who always works extremely hard, especially at the moment. Mr LSH
(Long Suffering Husband) could do with some R & R & some good family time...

oxo Cate 'shiver me timbers' Arrrrrr!!

(1)po cruises(2)borabora(3)house of turquoise(4)vinageluggage(5)piratesofthecaribbean(6)flicker(7)thewhitehouse(8)ritified


  1. That pirate does NOT look mean or scary and I'd just love to be held captive by him. Hope you have a wonderful trip. 'tis the season for cruising from what I see.

  2. Lucky you! We are fully booked for Christmas so will be working but hope to take a break early 2010.

    Have a great holiday, I adore cruising and have done many on Silverseas which I love.

    Leeann x

  3. Dear Cate
    Have a wonderful wonderful holiday. A friend of mine is off cruising now and it is a great way to relax. Everything taken care of.

    Please I would like some of that blue dip in the ocean and also some 'relax relax' too..

    Have a great time and Merry Xmas!!! xxx Julie

    Sorry I haven't been over much... work was nuts for a long time..

  4. Dear Julie ...I can totally relate to the working NUTS...xox Cate

  5. Oh my these photo's are too gorgeous. You have the best time away, sounds dreamy.

  6. Well, Cate. I'm feeling a little envious as, we have been forecast snow over the next few days, here in the U.K.
    I wish you all a wonderful family time and you will all come back relaxed and revitalised. Have fun. XXXX

  7. Yep - at -5 degrees those beaches and those little dresses to bring a sparkle to the eye... At least I can dream while I'm huddled up next to the fire ;-)

  8. I dare you to work your way through the entire Cocktail List, one drink at a time! Have a fantastic time Cate.
    Millie ^_^

  9. This are very beautiful pics as it looks like that you are planning for the vacation on the cruise. You should have kept real pictures so that we can really know what are you planning.
    holiday cruises


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