Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Pink Day

After dispatching the family off on their day, I thought it was time for a

the rules are:

1. Under no circumstances is there allowed to be any testosterone...

2. Finishing a Magazine is a must. To be done without interruption...(except when thanking the waiter for your coffee.)

3. Definitely a few hot cups of coffee are involved...and finished

4. Grooming is a must, as there is shopping involved.

5. You are not going to be home in time for "pick up" (children from school) so alternate arrangement's will need to be made.

6. And someone else will have to make Dinner.

7. don't have to engage in retail therapy (But its O.K if you do) just spending the time wondering the shops on your own will energize your 'pre- friezed holiday get kids back to school nerves'.
Have a wonderful 'Pink Day'
oxo Cate ~ P.S... I have had the MOST wonderful day !!! I did spend some money but I saved $150 because the dress was on special.....

1.provence 3.ryland peters 4. flickr 5.palm springs 6.seminyak bali

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


photo ~ by me
I am tiring to keep my new years resolution of Harmony, Nurturing & Calm....
so far so good....
oxo Cate
p.s camping was cancelled on the weekend...due to the lack of interest (from Me...he! he!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Camping..PLEASE NO !!!***##


Don't make me go!!! I know it is the very Australian thing to do...
but please can we stay home !!! I don't really want to go camping this weekend ~ we can always celebrate Australia Day with 5 stars not 100,000,000...etc
...guess what I am doing this weekend ? even though I do normally love the great outdoors. I would be happy to stay home and well maybe shop,coffee with friends and shop...I have not been out on my own or near a shop or at a sale for the whole of the school holidays (o.k slight exaggeration) I do however need a shopping fix without the whole family in tow !!! Oh!! I know... they could go camping without ME !! OH HEAVEN !! now I need a facial too !...
have a divine weekend...oxo Cate

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

summer hoildays

I have decide that my little beach house needs a revamp so I am looking for lots for beach inspiration

... love the lights

I just adore the work of Leibowitz and McLachlan...I think these cane dining chairs will have to go on my "must have list for 2010".

I finally have my land legs back but I still have some sand in my veins. After a month long holiday I feel SOOOO relax.
oxo Cate 'the surf chic' in training...