Friday, January 22, 2010

Camping..PLEASE NO !!!***##


Don't make me go!!! I know it is the very Australian thing to do...
but please can we stay home !!! I don't really want to go camping this weekend ~ we can always celebrate Australia Day with 5 stars not 100,000,000...etc
...guess what I am doing this weekend ? even though I do normally love the great outdoors. I would be happy to stay home and well maybe shop,coffee with friends and shop...I have not been out on my own or near a shop or at a sale for the whole of the school holidays (o.k slight exaggeration) I do however need a shopping fix without the whole family in tow !!! Oh!! I know... they could go camping without ME !! OH HEAVEN !! now I need a facial too !...
have a divine weekend...oxo Cate


  1. I feel your pain Cate! Although I have never been big on camping anyway, I told my husband that if we move to Aus (from NZ) it would be on the condition that I never have to go camping, ever. Can't handle the wildlife over here, everything's so BIG,ugh.
    I'm counting down to shopping minus kids...5 more sleeps!

  2. hahah Cate
    I'm no camper either... I think glamping is more my style... well I hope you have fun.. I think I will want to get away from home next Tuesday.. I live near a park that get way TOOO crowded every Australia Day..

    Have fun.. xx Julie

  3. HI Cate, I'm with you. I have been camping twice in 15 years and both times were a disaster. The first time was in the NT outback. There were massive spiders and I freaked out. I got up in the middle of the night and woke my boyfriend (husband now) and we hitchiked home. Second time was at my sister and once again I woke up and krept inside their house and found a nice couch to sleep on. Not a happy camper at all and would much prefer the 5 star and luxury bed and fluffy towels. Sandy

  4. I am no camper either... but I think if my camp site looked like that I could be. Don't worry there will be something you see out there that inspires you! Hang in there Cate!

  5. I went camping once, it was in the early days of my relationship with my now husband, I was infatuated and prepared to do anything, even go camping with him. It was OK but I quickly came to my senses and there hasn't been any more camping expeditions. Good luck.

  6. Camping is definitely not top of my list either, Cate.
    Try and get out of it and have a girlie weekend. !! XXXX

  7. this is my kind of camping... but i would rather be at the beach! have a great weekend... x pam

  8. Camping is not my idea of fun either - I like to get outside of course, but roughing it just isn't me.... although I might be able to manage glamping!!!


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