Monday, March 8, 2010

time for a tour....

time to trade your Manolo Blahniks for Gumboots...please be careful walking the plank ...

this will be the Main staircase taking you from the basement up into the Living areas (level 1) and then to the Bedrooms ( level 2)

this staircase is for the tradesman aka husband, kids, dirt, surfboards, dirt and a like...
~ this way...

and here we have the 'secret staircase' which once finish will be hidden behind a secret panel in Mr LSH's Study. This will lead down to the 'man room' of a wine cellar, gym and grub room.

There has been 250 tons of concrete and 100 tons of steel to get our dream this far and yes I am Loving every minute of it. The Kids were skateboarding in the basement on Sunday while I daydreamed over the interiors and my Husband hosed...He loves hosing and was quite pleased with himself about being able to clean/hose for the first time...

this concludes my staircase tour... please join me for refreshment aka champagne or coffee

up on the top deck...

oxo Cate


  1. Wow what a lot of concreate looks exciting I am definetly sticking around to see how it all transpires, exciting!!I have some Moet in the fridge what a good excuse to crack it open. Elaine :)

  2. Ooh Cate, can't wait to see what you have in store for your new home. I've loved your renovations and I'm sure this will be stunning too.
    Kerri x

  3. Oh I dare not show Mr DJ, I think he'll be wanting a secret staircase too! I think that is so sweet that the Mr likes to hose, so therapeutic.

    I really does looks so exciting!

  4. Dear Cate,
    That's a whole lot of concrete and is going to look fantastic.You have painted a lovely picture...husband hosing, children skateboarding and you dreaming of beautiful interiors !!!!
    Champagne please. XXXX


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