Friday, April 9, 2010

the worlds worst Gardener !

I like simple & elegant

As the worlds worst Gardener, yes I killed my green thumb years ago...I have been asked to design the garden for one of my building design projects...even though I find this a greater challenge (house design is so much easier) I love that they have enough trust in me to design a beautiful garden ....

have a wonderful weekend ...I'm off to find my Australian Garden Index Book

oxo Cate

1. & 2. unfortunately I do not know were these beautiful photos have come from. If you do I would love to link them to the artist...


  1. I love simple and elegant too, Cate and these are perfect. Very stylish. What a great project for you. XXXX

  2. you will certainly design something fabulous... i know the butterflies in the stomach feeling though... but challenge is so good for us... it makes us better! xx

  3. Hey - no one said you had to plant and look after what you design! We all believe in you. Specially if it's along the lines of your photos :-)

  4. I agree with Ange Cate - someone else can do the looking after! And I'm sure you'll do a beautiful job with the design. xx

  5. love the simplicity of the photos. good luck with your project....treat it like a room'll do fine!

  6. I like your inspiration images. It looks like a good start. I hope you post the finalize project.

  7. congrats, it is always wonderful when you work for a client and they ask you to help on the outside too. you are so talented!


  8. I am too but i do love a nice garden and some lovely pots with greenery

  9. Oh I'm afraid I don't have a green thumb but I live in hope.

    Good luck :)
    xoxo DJ

  10. I love formal, elegant designs in gardens, but that's not always what people want when I am asked to help them with their gardens. My own garden is formal AND edible (edible landscaping).

    Designing garden is so much fun!

  11. Such pretty images ... I can almost hear the birds and smell the newly-mown grass! I'm new to your fab blog ... thanks!

  12. I miss your posts. Where are you??

  13. I am still waiting to see the pictures of your kitchen.

  14. I think you are divine...and I am so happy to have found your blog.

  15. Oh Cate - I love, love, LOVE your blog. Have just stumbled upon you and SO delighted that I did. Simple and elegant is the way forward. Love the pics. I was lucky enough to inherit a beautifully simple and elegant garden when I moved house recently, and I'm trying my best not to destroy it as I'm no gardener myself either! I like to joke that my skill lies in knowing a lovely one when I see it!

  16. Your blog is amazing I love it!


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