Saturday, October 8, 2011

the Ottoman....

I am currently obsessing over the Ottoman Coffee table...and what more can I say I think they look
truly gorgeous...

Cate oxo


  1. Hi Cate,
    Have just ordered a new sofa in the style of your first picture only in grey. It has a matching ottoman so, when my sofa arrives, I will see how much room I've got and see if we can fit an ottoman in !! These all look truly gorgeous.
    Hope you are well and busy turning ugly ducklings into beautiful swans !
    Thanks so much for your comment ..... you are a good blogging buddy and truly supportive. XXXX

  2. I love that look to. Its comfy, but stylish at the same time. Great rooms you posted. Really like all the blue jars.

  3. I truly obsessing over the white ostrich leather one...fabulous!!

  4. Gorgeous I have a gap in one of the apartments but would always be fearful incase someone spilt something on it.....

    Leeann x

  5. I've just discovered your blog! Love it! I too am obsessed with the ottoman coffee table. Bought one myself :-)

  6. Love your blog, you have style girl !

    Have been mulling over an ottoman coffee table too.

    Stunning images ; ) Lou


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