Monday, June 29, 2009


Julie from being@rubie did a beautiful post on 'My Heart' which is definitely worth a visit to her Blog to read Julie has tagged me. All I have to do is post a photo that best represents my heart. Being a Libra, finding 1 photo was too hard so I had to improvise a bit... here is 'My Heart'...

C ~ Heart loves my inner child...(& so do I)

A ~ Attention to detail (this can drive my Heart crazy!!)

T ~ thinking time (the calmness my crazy Heart needs)

E ~ Entertaining Heart loves to cook (even thought I am not a great cook!)

I would love to cook in this Kitchen

What does your Heart photo look like??? Please let me know...

oxo Cate

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Christening

My Baby Brother is having his Son Christen this weekend. I can vaguely remember dressing up in my Sunday best for His Christening. My Brother was the BIGGEST Rat Bag growing up but thank goodness, has evolved into the most attentive, loving Dad and wonderful Husband ( I am slightly biased) So tomorrow I will put on my Sunday best and attended His Sons Christening...
the big wheel...
Enjoy your weekend, I hope you are sharing it with people you love..
oxo Cate

Thursday, June 25, 2009

retail therapy

I have been out today doing a small amount of retail therapy 'see above'....unfortunately I could not make the chair fit into my car, so I will have to wait and have my new chairs delivered (oh yes there at 2)... my poor Husband, I will not be able to hide them in the wardrobe and tell him I have been wearing these old things for years... he! he!
oxo Cate
p.s I will need Leann from Fabulously French to translate the writing for me!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

beautiful compliment

I was paid the most beautiful compliment today.

While shopping in Woolworth I ran into the new Owners of the last home I renovated. They are Absolutely LOVING their new home and while I do put my heart and soul into these Reno's it is so wonderful to see the new Owners LOVING their new home too!!! They brought all the furniture I use to style the Home and are doing a beautiful job adding their own personal touches...

So I had to come home and have another look at the photos...

and thought I would share some with you too!!

It took a lot of hard work to get it to look like this...

this Home is really Special... I hope you like it too!!!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I think I have found the perfect way to have the perfect pink fantastic do they all I need is a Mediterranean home to renovate, so I can add these stunning doors and the stunning lights and the giant big plants (I have know idea of their names...sorry NO green thumb.)
oxo Cate

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Exotic Train Journey..

A long train journey to an exotic land...YES this is how I will be spending my weekend...
(HA!HA!) as I munch on my 3rd. 7th girl guide cookie feeling guilty because I miss gym this morning and haven't even looked at the house NOW I will brake away from Blogland and become wife ,mother, cleaner etc again ...have a great weekend :)
oxo Cate

p.s ~ girl guide cookie packet is now finished !!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome Mr Tiler

I thought it was about time to post some photos of the Reno, especially now because it is getting will need to use your imagination but here is the Master ensuite, just for a moment imagine a beautiful freestanding peanut shaped bath, gorgeous tap ware, the marble floors in a creme colour (which is really stunning) the back wall is painted off-white and has 2 elegant wall lights on either side of the bath...

what a mess..OH I cannot believe I am showing you this but the Russian Tilers have arrived and boy are they messy, lucky for them they are brilliant imagine the entry to the Master bedroom is through glass double doors, there is a Hampton style fire place to your right and a built-in morning kitchen/small study nook on the left with a mirrored wall, the bed and sitting area is behind me

this is 1 of the other ensuites, I am calling this my Pink/French room

Imagine a House in a French/Nautical theme, cocktails at sunset, waiters with white coats, silver trays, simple but elegant dining and that will be this House...!!

oxo Cate

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Loving the detail of the Black & White

Perfect ~ it would never stay this clean in my home!!

isn't this SO dreamy...

I love the fact that my Children like to sleep in the same room, even though they have their own rooms, they like to sleep together. I can often hear them telling each other stories at bedtime and giggling over really silly jokes...
oxo Cate

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Obsession...plate collection

Could this be the start of a new obsession. I am trying to start a plate collection, so I can display them on the wall to look something like any of the above pictures. They just look so beauitful...
oxo Cate

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cate's week

this is my week so far....I have been to busy to blog, it has been a crazy week but I am getting so much done...
oxo Cate

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My House is quiet and peaceful, the Family are out, dinner is in the oven, this is the prefect time to blog. I have been Tagged by Leann from Fabulously French to share 6 uninteresting things about me and while I love reading your post about how uninteresting you are ( not at all uninteresting) my 6 uninteresting things ....well ...I'll try not to bore you to much...

Met "Otto" the very spoilt and much loved Miniature Schnauzer, who has made himself very
comfortable in all the hearts of my Family.

I don't need marble & European appliances to enjoy a soak in a hot bath

I LOVE to sleep in...that moment before you wake up, when your mind is still wondering and you are not truly awake....bliss

I love to dress up...enjoying High Tea with the girls, the Races, Balls ~ anything that involves a bit of glamour (and a beautiful Hat)~ you can always count me in.

the Ocean ~ I can sit on a beach for hours & be mesmerised by the waves, the sound they make and the way they move...

~ Love lollies but not necessarily chocolate.

... I would now like to tag (see list below) & see how uninteresting you are

1.being Rube

2.white flower farm
3.Red ticking

4.Carolines passions

5.french blue

6. fabulously french
have FUN...
oxo Cate

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Queens Birthday Long Weekend...

We are off on our Annual Queens Birthday Long weekend Camping trip. There are about 10 families going & it is a bit of a hoot, the kids all get together on Saturday night for a big talent show, followed by a BIG cook-up for breakfast on the Sunday morning. I just hope it doesn't rain!
Enjoy your weekend & I hope it doesn't rain for you either...
oxo Cate

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The White Flower Farm House

How much fun is it when you discover something new...

something which makes you want to explore further...

a place to find the perfect treasure...

even the perfect gift...

As I continued my hunt for dining room ideas I found this absolutely positively gorgeous online Store/Blog - The White Flower Farm House. Everything and I do mean everything you see is just beautiful I could have spent a fortune...lucky for my ever suffering husband they are based in Long Island U.S.A and not locally. Megan's Blog is full of wonderful ideas and lots of design tricks. I especially agree with the "simple country style should be inspired not expensive" I had so much fun exploring The White Flower Farm House that I forgot all about dining rooms and started dreaming about a cottage in the country.

xox Cate

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


O.K... what 's not to LOVE...
love the table
love the light
love the ginger jars

sophisticated yet not!

stripes... yet another look (& more ginger jars)

swooning over these chairs...

just swooning... second look for the week is this beautiful and elegant black table with a different style of chair. Can you pick your favourite??
xox Cate

p.s remember marble floors (travatine) & white kitchen

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dinng Room Homework

French Oak... Loving the Chairs...

How about this?

French Oak Chairs...

Simple yet very Chic...

French Oak..I love it...think...marble floors...white kitchen...
Look No. 1
This week I am concentrating on the Dinning room, my aim is by the end of this week we will have styled this room to perfection..yes I said 'we' because I would like to know your favorites and any ideas...I love your style and would welcome inspiration...
oxo Cate