Monday, October 5, 2009

French Nautical Twist with a dash of Australian...

This is the Great room ~ come in and take a seat...champagne anyone ? ( silly question!!)

I know Buddha's not French but he looks so happy sitting here...

and professional photo's would help the colour/picture etc look better but I know none of you really worry about that...

I hope you like my French Nautical Twist. Well before we started renovating, I felt this house would have a nautical feel and not because its on the water but because I could image myself in the French West Indies sipping Gin & Tonics on the deck while watching the sun go down...
cheers Cate oxo

Oh almost forgot... the before picture


  1. Lookin' good, Cate. I love what you have done. It looks much more inviting that the "before" shots.

  2. Looking great Cate...what a've done a great job...I think that you're getting quite good at renovating !!!!
    The colours are really stylish and I love that touch of silver. Mind you, if it were my house, the palm wouldn't last 5 minutes !!! I'm good in the garden, but give me house plsnts and it's the kiss of death !!!! XXXX

  3. Fabulous job honey ... yes to the champagne of course :)

    Love the shutters and the flooring.

  4. Cate, you have such a flair! It's just gorgeous! I love your style! A-M xx

  5. The French West Indies have nothing on Aussie beaches!! Give me Noosa or Yallingup or Surfers or any of the beaches between Darwin and Darwin ANYDAY - the food's 10 times better in Aussie too. Still prefer French Champagne though!!

  6. Just gorgeous Cate
    I love the armchairs..could do with a couple here if i had the space...
    well it all looks very relaxing and soothing.. and is that a mirror reflecting the outdoors? or a painting?

    By the way.. Buddha looks happy!! He has good taste! x Julie


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