Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello again...

Hello again !!!..f i n i a l l y...Life around here got really busy, really fast, then school holidays arrived along with a huge sand storm, I had a Birthday, my Son nearly burnt our house down (the smoke smell STILL lingers) & I finally have 'The Boat House' finished & on the Market

So, as promised I will begin our tour with some bedrooms ...

walk this way...



the shell room

all the bedrooms have their own ensuite


after ~

The Map room


and after ~

this concludes our tour for the evening, can'nt wait to show you more

xox Cate


  1. those are all wonderfully striking!

  2. Fabulous well done Cate. Mr FF says to pass on his seal of approval, we both adore the bathroom.

    Bon weekend,


  3. Oh my goodness! These are gorgeous! I especially love the bathroom's transformation. I can't wait to see more. :)

  4. as beautiful as I expected them to be. Al such drastic changes, well done!

  5. You've done a fantastic job - can't wait to see the rest of the photos! Did you completely change the windows or just have them re-painted? I have similar windows at home but in that gorgeous bronze - yuk! Would love your thoughts on whether it's worth re-painting.

    Look forward to seeing the rest, you should be thrilled with the result!

  6.'re back...I missed you.
    Well, apart from all the little !! things that you have been dealing with, what wonderful rooms. You have done such a lovely job . You must be so pleased. Isn't it lovely when it's all done and you can keep going to have a look at what you did and how well it turned out ?

  7. Welcome back honey, was going to send out a search party!

    Ooo get so very excited seeing makeovers. I just adore yours. You are so clever. The white and blue is fabulous. I love the bathroom and the maproom too. Looks very Martha's Vineyard.

  8. First off all Happy Birthday, Cate.
    ..dust , fire, ... holidays, how can you deal with all- and on top of it to find energy to style all rooms so beautifuly.
    Great job.

  9. What a huge improvement youve made. Light and airy, wonderful. Looking forward to more.

  10. That bathroom is a big improvement. Lovely result.

  11. Hi Cactus Flower...the windows are original & I choose the House colour to match the windows, I also had some beautiful bi-fold doors which I wanted to keep $$$ Re-painting can be expenive & if you really hate the window colour I would have new ones installed. Then your house can be any colour YOU want...have fun ...Cate

  12. My goodness me Cate - what a totally awesome transformation!! Everything looks so fresh & inviting, I know you'll have a Buyer quick smart, your design skills are so savvy.
    Millie ^_^


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