Monday, October 19, 2009

left or right chick...

I cannot decide whether I am the chick on the left or the chick on the right ~ either way my week has started off a bit crazy in a positive crazy Cate way...

which chick are you??

oxo Chick/Cate( thinking right chick!!!)


  1. I am for sure the one on the RIGHT!! No doubt. I am most comfortable being the odd one... I do embrace my differences:)
    Love this post!

  2. definitely the right one! :) i can't avoid it... and i won't hide it. :) haha!

  3. I'm pretty sure that I'm the left chick.I like to look straight ahead as I don't like to view the world, sideways !!!! XXXX

  4. Oh so cute. I am both but way closer to the right! Thanks for your comment..


  5. if you glued them together, I'd be "that one" -
    but it really depends on who you talk to (lol)

  6. This is actually incredibly offensive. Use of the word 'retard' is a huge no-no, Im surprised that you think it is OK to use it? You may wish to remove this post, as it spoils an otherwise creative and charming blog. Merci beaucoup!


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