Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My perfect Dinning Room
new ideas for next house...
this is my idea of the perfect Dinning Room..big sigh!!!
I only wish I could get to restoration hardware and bring it all home.
I wonder if I can talk my Mr LSH(long suffering husband) into a holiday to the States...lets see how good I this space...( well its worth a try!!)

oxo Cate


  1. Oh my gosh, couldn't you just move into and LIVE in Restoration Hardware? I sure could.
    You have such a lovely blog. I found you via Vintage Junky, so nice to meet you!
    All the best,

  2. I already enquired if they ship to Australia. ..."for a now not, sorry" .
    Actually very similar table is available here as well. I guess interesting stuff is slowly getting here.

  3. Oh so you have moved on to the 'next time file' too. I'm starting the obsession all over again too. Here, here about Restoration Hardware. A-M xx

  4. Can see why it's your dream dining room ..... I'm sure that you will find similar things where you live, Cate. Go to the States anyway !!!! XXXX

  5. I adore "Restoration Hardware". Their latest range is fab, I love the way they take a little from each country.

    Leeann x

  6. WEll Cate.. I think that would make a perfect desk for me.. room to spreadout all my 'stuff'
    I love the fact that it is on wheels and such lovely ones at that!

    Have a great week.. and keep hinting I say x Julie

  7. I really like the elegant chairs and the unique light fixture!

  8. Yes it is perfect Cate & yes, wouldn't it be wonderful if RH decided to open an outpost in the Pacific! I'm sure they'd do really well in sales just from our lovely blog community!
    Millie ^_^


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