Friday, October 30, 2009

no ugly step-mothers around here...

Mirror, Mirror

on the WALL

who is the finest

of them

as you reflect on your week, I hope it was
oxo Cate
oxo Cate
1. home & antique mag 2. french & country 3. restoration hardware 4. altantla bartlett 5. lexington

Monday, October 26, 2009

2 old Chandeleirs

how much would 2 Chandeliers be worth ~ they are approx 20 years old ?

Chandelier 1

Chandelier 2

These poor neglected Chandeliers have been decorating my children's play room for the past 5 years...they were in perfect condition back then but are now missing a few bits....I can image with a dust they would be very beautiful and shiny. We inherited them when we brought the house & I know the previous owners would have spent a bit on what would they be worth now??? I am going to post them on e-buy but I really have know idea of how much they are worth ..any ideas ??

oxo Cate

Friday, October 23, 2009

room 2# the kitchen

...So I walk from my perfect dinning room ( see previous post...) into my perfect kitchen, the only problem is I seem to have a few perfect kitchens...

... ideas for the ceiling & colour

...ideas for the door-way into the butlers pantry


...more colour

...door style & colour

...ceiling ideas & more colour ideas....

Having just finished 2 gorgeous White kitchens, I was thinking it might be time for a change...maybe more colour is needed for my next kitchen, perhaps in the island beach. I would also like to have more detail in the ceilings which are 2.7 height so I have lots of room to create something special..I hope

...have a wonderful night tonight - homemade pizza, mango & ice cream & the boys are off to the video store to choose a movie, I sure hope they come home with a chic flick...
I don't like my chances !!!!

oxo Cate

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My perfect Dinning Room
new ideas for next house...
this is my idea of the perfect Dinning Room..big sigh!!!
I only wish I could get to restoration hardware and bring it all home.
I wonder if I can talk my Mr LSH(long suffering husband) into a holiday to the States...lets see how good I this space...( well its worth a try!!)

oxo Cate

Monday, October 19, 2009

left or right chick...

I cannot decide whether I am the chick on the left or the chick on the right ~ either way my week has started off a bit crazy in a positive crazy Cate way...

which chick are you??

oxo Chick/Cate( thinking right chick!!!)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

NO house work today...

I love the Weekends, especially Saturday mornings. I love sitting in my sunny spot ( hiding from the kids) with my cup of tea & the newspaper( I should be saying after I have finished the housework but there is know love in that!!!). I love scanning the real estate section of the newspaper for anything special. I thought I would share with you some of my special finds and give you a small look around the beautiful place I call home...

Fairfield :: RemaxCentral

Paddington :: space property agents
(thinking great place for a business)

Westend :: adcock prestige

Wynnum :: ray white

'Bellarine' Wynnum :: remax

Have a wonderful sunny weekend

oxo Cate ( now I will start the house work !)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

salt & pepper shakers???

( look here I am...)

here are my beautiful silver drum stools or giant salt & pepper shakers if you ask my mother in~ law...I think they are a bit quirky and fit with my whole 'boat house' theme.

oxo Cate

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

here they are at last !!!!

Finally my 2 BEAUTIFUL chairs have arrived, they are a little bit late but differently worth waiting for!! I hope they fit in my car for the drive over to 'The Boat House'~ I have the perfect place for them.

oxo Cate

Monday, October 12, 2009

Melbourne Cup Hat ideas

LOVE the roses

the count down is on to find the perfect
hat to wear to my Melbourne Cup function...I normally don't leave it this late but as you know I have been a bit busy...
Oh the decisions, decisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oxo Cate in the hat

Friday, October 9, 2009

I need a LONG HOT shower ! !

Oh...the weekend & even though this is were I would love to be ... I have a weekend full of 'open-houses', coffee & dinner with friends, I desperately need a cut OH !!! that reminds me...I still need to book the appointment, , clean 'The Boat House' ready for the open houses & clean My poor house ~ My house & I have come to an arrangement, I 'll stop saying we are going to demolish it & it will stop braking down on me!!! the hot water system blew up last week & Mr LSH is refusing to fix it !!! so I'm juggling showers between Gym & my Mums...HA! HA!.... just looking for the light at the end of the tunnel...

Have a wonderful long hot shower for me & a happy weekend

oxo Cate

p.s Just so you know...we can still have hot showers at home just really fast ones...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

love my Chairs

I'm in love with these Chairs, then I found the matching bed... heaven...they now all live in the Master Bedroom ( just not MY Master Bedroom)

this is a better colour of the carpet

We had the professional photographs here the other about precious. I think the fact I had to asked them to come back a second time because the first photos ...well... you no!!!**any way, they are better but I don't think I will be using this Company again. These creative types can be a little bit testy & what would I know I am only the client...

oxo Cate ~ say cheese !

Monday, October 5, 2009

French Nautical Twist with a dash of Australian...

This is the Great room ~ come in and take a seat...champagne anyone ? ( silly question!!)

I know Buddha's not French but he looks so happy sitting here...

and professional photo's would help the colour/picture etc look better but I know none of you really worry about that...

I hope you like my French Nautical Twist. Well before we started renovating, I felt this house would have a nautical feel and not because its on the water but because I could image myself in the French West Indies sipping Gin & Tonics on the deck while watching the sun go down...
cheers Cate oxo

Oh almost forgot... the before picture

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello again...

Hello again !!!..f i n i a l l y...Life around here got really busy, really fast, then school holidays arrived along with a huge sand storm, I had a Birthday, my Son nearly burnt our house down (the smoke smell STILL lingers) & I finally have 'The Boat House' finished & on the Market

So, as promised I will begin our tour with some bedrooms ...

walk this way...



the shell room

all the bedrooms have their own ensuite


after ~

The Map room


and after ~

this concludes our tour for the evening, can'nt wait to show you more

xox Cate