Monday, August 31, 2009

What Faulty CARPET !!!!

Breathe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just keep calm

Friday / mid-morning : Excited to see Carpet layers on site busy installing underlay..lots of noise ( good there working ! ) I take another quick look ( loving the colour) I leave to collect the last bits and pieces for my Electrician ..the carpet is cut and layout ready to be installed ~ see above picture.

Noon/ish : quick trip to lighting store...(O.K detour to McDonald's ~ loving their frozen coke at the moment and another detour to Sports Store ~ I really near some new gym gear!!!

Friday / afternoon : Arrived back to site NO NOISE ( they cannot be finished already ?)
all Carpet Layers and Carpet Salesman are huddled around carpet in powwow ~ not a good sign...

conclusion ~ FAULTY CARPET...

All credit to the Carpet Salesman ~ super professional, had the Carpet Company on the phone there and then...replaced and reordered new carpet without even stressing me out...

thank you!!!

However because the carpet wasn't installed, the Cleaner could not clean, the Plantation Blind Company cannot install my shutters, the delivery's I had arranged of this week will have to wait and my busy week of styling, Real Estate Agents and photos has now become not so busy....

But the Landscaper's are doing a wonderful JOP outside...there is green everywhere

xox Cate ~ slightly stressed...
but having a girlie lunch day on Friday, feeling better all ready !!

Friday, August 28, 2009

not so much mess now...

The weekend begins...
Velvet & Linen
after this...

the whitie house
Lots of this....


I dab of this.....

polly wreford...

and slip into this...

It is so nice to be out of dirty site clothes even if it is only for the evening...yes back to site

tomorrow to finish cleaning for the cleaners.... right now I would kill for a pedicure...& a facial

Have a amazing weekend...

oxo Cate ~ the cleaning lady

Thursday, August 27, 2009

If you are looking for me I will be here...


and then here...

I think I have more dirt on me than the house, which is a good thing.

I have spent the day doing the BIG clean at the Reno, the cleaners are coming!!( its a blonde thing to clean before the cleaners arrive!) and the carpet is being installed tomorrow. I have been taking all the covers of everything, a dirty job but I love it ....I can finally see everything coming together...

oxo Cate

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the stone mason's apprentice

and the mess continues....

here is my Stone Mason hard at work building my beautiful feature wall...

I was going crazy!!!

I would have had this wall built in a day ..not 3... he hand selects every single piece of stone to create this masterpiece!!! Sure my wall would not have looked this good and perhaps it may have fallen down , I think, I need to give up any ideas of being a Stone Mason, I just don't have the patience ...( I would still love to give it a try.)

oxo Cate ~ the stone mason apprentice

Monday, August 24, 2009

the nearly finished kitchen...

The Monday morning site meeting was so exciting, the carpet is being installed on Friday and the Cleaners start on the weekend ~ I am SO over the dust!!!!The Kitchen is nearly finished and I thought you would like to see some photos.

I am loving the detail on the columns. I forgot all about the glass detail between the columns so it was a extra special surprise when it was installed!!!

How cute are these draws!! can see the handles!!! ( the Kitchen bling) the Fridge is going to be hidden on the left side behind the magazine rack, a huge walk-in pantry with glass doors is next to it and a office nook for Mum is on the right side.
I love how this Kitchen has come together and cannot wait to clean it !!!!!

oxo Cate

Friday, August 21, 2009

Checking out...

photo ~ melanie acervedo
I am packing the kids into the car and heading to our Beach House for a peace full weekend. I may even get to finish my book & check out a few Whales....have a Fab Weekend
oxo Cate
P.S The Humpback Whales are making there way along the Queensland Coast at the moment on there annual winter migration to Hervey Bay.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

for you

I would just like to say another THANK YOU for your beautiful comments on my
100 th post

I think you are all SUPER HEROS with the biggest, kindness hearts and absolutely the nicest people I have ever not meet!! are always welcome at my place at any time for tea and cake...
"there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripplewith no logical end"...Scott Adams


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am 100

You are invited to a Lunch to Celebrate my 100 post

come out onto my deck for drinks and mingle with friends and make some new ones...

would you like a drink?...silly question!!!

and something to eat...

come sit with me, I want to hear all your news.... (he! he!)

A Big Thank you for coming... this is for you... something special to take home

oxo Cate

Monday, August 17, 2009


I have been quietly working on my own house plans, going backwards and forwards with my Architect with ideas ( to many I think !!) and today the Final Plans are going into Council for building approval...

I love the Architect ~ Cronduck...their eye for detail is amazing

This is how I would love my new home to look...I have had these photos pinned to my notice board for so long now I have know idea were I collected them from..all I know is I just LOVE this look

My head is full of ideas & ideas & ideas... thanks to the Wonderful Blogs in Blogland...
thank goodness my Architect is on the same page as I am , even if my poor LSH (Long Suffering Husband) is a few pages behind...

oxo Cate

Thursday, August 13, 2009

a glass of champagne please...

Anyone for Lunch?? Its Lunch time and I have gone back to my Island
a glass of champagne please...

oxo Cate

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

stop dreaming...washing day

this is the best Washing Powered I have found. You can do the washing and look after the environment all at the same guilt free !!!!

How day I am on an Island in the Maldives and the next I am designing a Laundry...the story of my life ~ I am not complaining I would love any of these Laundry's at my house.
oxo Cate
P.S : Quick Reno undate: All my Granite Bench tops arrive at the end of this week...exciting...I have also booked a date for the Carpet to be installed and arranged the Cleaners for the final builders clean...
Landscapers are here Now and my poor Tiler ~ hes not very well at the moment ~ is still working!! We have been thinking about the Real Estate Agent...the best person to sell my House!!!... why is this the hardest part of the whole process!!!!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Not working...dreaming

I am not working today ...just dreaming... it would be nice to be pool side in the Maldives!!
oxo Cate ~ in hoilday mode

Friday, August 7, 2009


The Weekend...time to put away my brief case, slip out of my work shoes and get ready for the Weekend. Mr LSH (Long Suffering Husband) is off to a Bucks Party tomorrow, a day at the races followed by a night on the town. Poor thing I think hes a bit scared...he hasn't been to a Bucks Party in a long time...

have a wonderful weekend

oxo Cate

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Retail Therapy

Time for some Retail Therapy

Humm... now what do I what ... which is very different to what do I need...

after my visit to my wish list is even longer...
oxo Cate

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

French Twist...

Would you call this style French with a twist?...

I can see myself waking up in this beautiful bedroom, rolling over and going back to sleep, waking up later with a hot cup of Tea on a silver tray...

... I would NEVER find these GORGEOUS Ginger jars in a shop near me...I would love to hear from anyone who could direct me to a shop that would sell them?( in Australia please)

Isn't the subtle touches of blue just perfect ... loving the Japanese inspired ceramic stools. This beautiful home is the work of Interior Designer Shannon Bowers.

oxo Cate

Monday, August 3, 2009

my dream wedding dress

We have been invited to a Wedding in September...I love Weddings, I am such a Romantic and after spending the morning with the Bride to be I have thinking about the Wedding Dress
or my Wedding Dress
if I was getting married today what style I choose?

would I choose something tradition or....


Wedding Gowns have come a long way from the days when I was getting married... there are so many more styles to choose what would I choose now????

I like the no.1 . no.5 and no.6 ( I think I am happy not to be getting married !!!)

oxo Cate